To Know Him

Several times in the last month and a half I've stopped to ask myself why I am doing this. Why am I leaving my home of the last 23 years to go live in a dorm? Why am I leaving a good church family to invest in another? Why am I leaving a good job? Why am I leaving behind the familiar for the unknown? Why am I going to YWAM? The answer is simple. I want to know Him.
I know Him now, but I want to get more wrapped up in Him. I want to know and experience God on a deeper level. 
We have a million pursuits that we can chase in this world, I want to chase Him. He has already been pursuing and loving me when I was hostile to Him. I want to spend this season getting to know Him. 
A few months ago I was struggling with a feeling of weakness. I felt incredibly weak in areas that had been accustomed to feeling strong in. This made me run to God. I cried out for help and grace. Every single time God provided grace for my needs. Whether it was strength to go to work, encouraging words for a friend, or the grace to rest He gave me all that I needed to keep pressing ahead and fulfill His calling for my life. This time made me realize just how much I need God and how incredibly good He is. It made me desire His presence more and want to know Him more.
I think this desire came more to the forefront last year. I went and spent a week at Ellerslie in Colorado. It was an amazing experience and God grew me a lot while I was there. There is such power in setting apart time to intentionally seek the Savior. He shows up in amazing ways.
As I look forward to this set apart time at YWAM, I am excited to get closer to God and know Him. I'm excited to take a season to gaze into His glorious face and pursue Him as He is already pursuing me. 


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