Tanzania Recap #3


After leaving the Dhaiso, we headed out for a much needed rest day. 
I can't thank my team enough for how they helped me after I sprained my ankle. They pushed me around in a wheelchair, included me in games, put a compression sock on my ankle, encouraged me to walk on it some, and encouraged me to lift my eyes to the one who was above it all. They are the best team a girl could ask for.
From Tanga we took a bus to YWAM Arusha. 
Here we rested and prepared for the last week of ministry. 
On Sunday our team had the privilege of speaking/leading worship at a small church in Arusha. I'm so thankful that whether in a mega church with bright lights or a tiny church with a dirt floor, the same God fills them both.
The next day we headed to a YWAM base called Enkicaret. It's within sight of Kilamongaro and the mountain views were spectacular.
Ministry here consisted of sharing some stories and songs with the kids in school, visting/encouraging widows, doing a Bible study with their DTS, and praying for the YWAM base.
While helping serve breakfast at the school, one of the ladies who works there took my hand in hers and gave me this bracelet. It is one of the sweetest gifts I've ever received. 
After serving at Enkicaret for a few days we headed back to YWAM Arusha.
And when in Africa one must go on a Safari right?
I'm so thankful we got to go on one.

And that my friends was Africa! I have one more post where I will share what God did in my heart. 
For now, I just want to thank you for your prayers, love, and support. I couldn't have done it without you.
So grateful, Rose


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