Get Ready


God did it! He provided for not only my Tanzania missions trip, but for all of of my teammates expenses as well! Yahoo! We serve a great and awesome God! We are going to Tanzania and I'm super excited! 
We still need some money got the greenhouse and the church, but I know that God will provide. 
Thank you for your prayers for my foot. It's still healing, but we are making progress. 
This weeks topic has been Ministering in the Spirit. I love how rooted this week has been in the Bible anf how our teachers have cried when sharing stories about how Holy Spirit has moved in their lives. I've been encouraged this week to pursue God more and let Holy move in me more. 
As we get closer to time to leave, we have been working hard on stories, skits, and songs for kids ministry. Whether I've been working on a parable, learning a new song, or playing a part in a skit I've so enjoyed working as a team. I'm so looking forward to doing kids ministry. 
We fly out in 13 days! I'm so excited about this. One of the things that I'm sensing God wants me to do while I'm in Tanzania is to do a social media/texting/blogging fast. So for the five weeks I'm there you won't hear from me. Why am I doing this? I want to learn to rely more on the Lord and to be fully focused on what He wants me to do in Tanzania. I'll miss getting to hear live updates from you guys, but I will update you on everything God did when I get back. 
Finally, I'm so thankful for the team I have. Whether helping each other learn skits, or laughing over our quirks, or just sharing our hearts over a meal I so enjoy what each member brings to the table. 
I hope and pray that God is blessing you richly and that you are doing well. 
Getting ready, Rose



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