Fun, Laughter, And Orientation


I keep having to remind myself that I have only been here a week. It has been one of the most packed and best weeks of my life.
Saturday was a super fun day. I got moved into the dorm. It now looks so cute and pink. Between my quilt, clothes, bags, and other stuff my sections of the dorm look like a pink expolsion. #sidemissionaccomplished. 
It was so fun to meet my new classmates and amazing YWAM staff. I loved hearing their stories about why they came here and getting to share how God brought me here. 
Sunday I went to Church Under A Bridge. I liked the worship and seeing how God reaches people in places that I wouldn't normally go. 
Monday through Friday was all orientation. Going over the schedule, going over some basic values, rules, and handing out work assignments.
For two hours every day I'll be cleaning some offices. While this wasn't my first, second, or third choice, I hope to use this opportunity to pray for those who use those offices and serve well. 
One of the things that people had been praying for me before I came was that I would develop strong friendships while I was here. This was something that surprised me because I hadn't asked for this, but it kept coming up. When I got here and started meeting my classmates there was one that stood out to me. We are so different in many ways, yet the Holy Spirit led me to talk to her more. We became good friends overnight and are enjoying sharing what God is doing in our hearts and lots of laughter. She has been such a support for me already and her prayers have been spot on. I'm so thankful for her friendship and the laughter we share. 

Two teachings that stand out to me from the week are Serving With Excellence and Quiet Time. I loved how fun and engaging these ladies were in giving these messages and the truth that they shared. Serve with excellence like Jesus. Intimacy with Jesus is the goal of quiet time. I'm taking lots of notes and enjoying the reminders to follow Christ with my whole heart. 
Thursday night, my sister Sarah got engaged! I am so excited for her and was so happy I got to celebrate this amazing milestone in her life. 
The prayers, the laughter, the worship, the fun walks, the hugs, the stories, the teaching, the new schedule, and the long talks all blend together to make a collage of this week. I'm loving it here. It's been an amazing adventure so far with Jesus. 1 week down, 11 to go! 
Happy, Rose
P. S. What do you think was my biggest learning curve since I've been here? Guess in the comments below and I'll let you know if you got it right.
Side note: my team won the team building Olympic games. 


  1. participating in the sports stuff? I'm loving reading about your adventure!


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